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  Some Old Rockers  

Beatle Quips and Comments on wav.



chepseat.wav....John:...."Will the people in the in the cheaper seats....clap your hands...and the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry"...

fab4helo.wav......A friendly Beatles greeting....from the guys in their own way.

beatxmas.wav......."Merry Christmas everybody!"......

nothing.wav....Ringo:...."Nothing ever happens to me.....nothing ever happens to me"......

strdream.wav....John:...."Hey Ringo...I've just had the srangest dream!....

Ringo:....I warned you not to eat on an empty stomach"......

goodsht.wav....John:..."I'm saying...I had a good Sh*t today....and this is what I thaught this morning....

(on the meanings hidden in the lyrics)

thisisit.wav....John:...."What ever it is that's happenin'.....this is it!".....

tothetop.wav....John:..."Where are we going guys?.....To the Top the Top!..Where's that? the Top 'o Most to the Pop 'o Most!...Right!"....

coffee.wav....George:..."We were having diner with our dentist....and he put it in our coffee and never told us"....

pocket.wav....Ringo:..."Ey....I've got a hole in me pocket!"....

ugly.wav.....Paul:..."He's horrible!.....George:....He's so Ugly....All:...Really Ugly! ! !....

vacuum1.wav.....Paul:...."Oh nooo!..Not the dreaded vacuum thrust again!"....

John:...."We'll be sucked into oblivion"....
Ringo:...."Or even futher! ! !"....

english.wav....Paul:...."Do you speak English?"....

Jeremy Hillary P.H.D. Boob:...."Ole English?....Middle?....A dialect pure?"......
Paul:...."Well, Do you speak English?!?".....
Boob:...."You know.....I'm Not sure!?!".....


adhoc.wav....Boob:..."Adhoc Adlock...and Quid Pro little time.....Ha Ha....So much to know!"......

mum.wav....Ringo:...."I want me Mum"...(sniff....sniff)...

glovie.wav....Blue Glovie Dovie's wickedly deep pitched laugh.......

meanie.wav....Blue Meanie's high pitched demented laugh......

blisters.wav....Ringo:...."I GOT BLISTERS ON MY FINGERS! ! !"....

rubbish.wav....George:...."It's such a load of rubbish!".....

fab.wav....From The Movie Hard Day's Night....."You'll like these you'll really dig them they're really FAB...and all the other pimply hyperbolies"....

asecret.wav....Ringo:...Shhhh!..Don't tell anyone he's's a secret"....

on John's maritial status in the early days

hairpece.wav....John:...."Do something!...Like grow your hair for Peace".......

grotty.wav....George:...."I wouldn't be seen dead in them!...They're GROTTY!....

(Grotty?)...Yea Grotesque!".....
(Historic moment when George coins the phrase)

bintro.wav......Ed Sullivan's famous introduction of the Beatles first appearance on American TV.

bocto.wav....Ringo:..."First time in New York was fabulous....I felt even on the plane it was like a big octopus dragging me down into this madness"....

goout.wav....Paul:...."There's only one way to go out"....

George:...."How's That?"....
John:....."SINGING!......1......2......3......4! ! !"

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